I Just Don’t Understand

I just don’t understand:

  • Malls: What is the appeal?
  • Why would Operation Rescue, an anti-abortion group, really CARE whether thousands of queers plan to descend upon Walt Disney World for a weekend in June? It’s highly unlikely that any babies will be either conceived or aborted as a result of this particular gathering.
  • About fags who plan to descend upon Walt Disney World in June: Why would ANYONE willingly visit Florida in the middle of the summer?
  • Why does everything Mc Donald’s touches taste so much worse than any other fast food?
  • Come on…who gives a fuck if there’s one less Spice Girl? Will the world REALLY change in any significant way?
  • Robert Kennedy was shot 30 years ago this week; there was a short op-ed piece. Waterbeds were invented 30 years ago this week; there was a huge photo-laden “lifestyle” story. Frightening thing is the waterbed probably seemed more important to most READERS too…