Sheehy Is an Idiot

Absolutely asinine: career homosexual Jeff Sheehy’s latest rambling in the Examiner about the “explicit homophobia” among tenant activists who dare to disagree with his position on a pending home ownership ballot initiative in San Francisco. Apparently, since he is homosexual and since the issue might impact him in some fashion, anyone who opposes it is a raging “homophobe”…

Note please that I don’t currently have an opinion one way or another on the initiative itself; I don’t know enough about it. I might even find myself in favor of it, just like the author, if for different reasons…

But I most definitely have an opinion on this particular op-ed piece. It aggravates me so much I can hardly express it. Mr. Sheehy has apparently lived so much of his life framing everything in terms of sexual orientation that his only means of arguing ANY issue now seems to be to cry “homophobia” whether or not any actually exists. Limited vocabulary, I guess…

For all his babbling about “refugee communities” (who evidently have more of a God-given right to own property than anyone else, especially with government assistance) and “life as a fully realized person participating in a community free from discrimination”, he doesn’t seem to grasp the fact that homsexuality is completely unrelated to this particular issue. There is no connection. Period…

Of course, to admit this to himself would be to render invalid his assertion that tenant activists are nothing but evil “homophobes” (despite the fact that many of them are every bit as homosexual as Mr. Sheehy himself). While these activists undoubtedly have some skewed priorities, I find it hard to stomach the none-too-hidden assertion that they wake up every morning wondering how they can “screw over the fags” today…

I can see a great future for Mr. Sheehy as a speech writer for Willie Brown, another San Franciscan with a penchant for finding bigotry anytime a dissenting question is asked…