The Weekend

So Mark‘s in Fresno for the weekend, and I have the whole house to myself. I have a wild weekend planned, let me tell you. I’ve already popped out to the Safeway and picked up the frozen pizza and diet grapefruit soda…

Of course — being the hermit/loner type that I still am, regardless of what you may have been lead to believe — I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like having the house all to myself once in a while, but I do already miss the little bugger, and I’ll miss him even more tonight when the bed is several degrees chillier…

That said, I’ll probably spend the weekend watching movies (there’s a big pile), hitting the thrift stores (now that my car has a new battery), catching up on email (yeah, right…), and downloading census data (because I’m a freak and that’s what I do for fun sometimes, OK?). Plus, there’s a visiting friend from Greensboro who will probably need some showing around…

I may even post those long-promised LA pictures, but don’t hold your breath…