Another Big “Who Gives a Shit?”

Can someone offer a suggestion as to why Republican legislators, most of whom would not sit still for increased government regulation of any other business or industry, are so hog wild over a bill to require mandatory drug testing of professional athletes, not to mention mandatory disciplinary procedures for these private sector employees?

Oh wait. We’re talking about the same Republican party that wants to free all citizens from unnescessary government intrusion into their lives. Except, of course, when the intrusion involves mandating to whom one may be legally married. Or what one might watch on TV or listen on the radio. Or whether one may or may not make one’s own decision about bearing children…

Yes, there are also numerous Democrats supporting this moronic piece of legislation as well, and God knows the left is no stranger to inconsistency and hypocrisy, but in this instance, the Dems at least come off merely as garden variety idiots. The Republican supporters, on the other hand, look like hypocrites AND idiots…

Of course, as my hubby suggested, taxpayers are expected to support and subsidize so much of professional sports already that it might not be such a stretch to view it as a quasi-government institution subject to the whims of Congress…