The sixes

The years ending in six historically tend to be big and life-changing (generally in a positive way) for me.

To be fair, I don’t really remember 1966, but I’m pretty sure I made a lot of progress in areas like walking and talking. And in 1976, there was that whole puberty thing, which was stressful but built a foundation for something rather enjoyable. In 1986, I moved away from home, first to Myrtle Beach and then to Charlotte; it was the year I learned to live on my own. I started the website in 1996 and also quit my full-time managemeant job at Kinko’s, although the latter event didn’t completely “stick.” Ten years later, in 2006, I bought a house and survived a slight case of cancer.

I only have five more months for a biggie this year. Though I guess making tenure counts, I can’t help thinking I’m due for something else that’s significant, dramatic, and positive.

I’ll keep you posted.