Christmastime Is (Almost) Here

Pizza with Jamie on Friday night, to the accompaniment of “The Grinch” (the original, thanks) and “A Christmas Carol” (the 1951 Alistair Sim version, thanks). I guess the holidays have really arrived, even though I still haven’t moved Rock & Roll Elmo out of the way to make room for the tree yet…

Then I had late-evening email from Mark which gave me the warm fuzzies before going to bed on the coldest night of the year so far. It’s gonna be a long 151 hours…

And today, I’m buying my Christmas present from Mom and Dad so I can cheat and have the whole weekend to play with it, even though my mom made me promise I’d wrap it and put it under the tree. I’ll do that on Monday, maybe…

Oops. I forgot. It’s not really Christmas until I upload this