But Still Sort of Sick

This is getting on my nerves. I feel like I’m sort of floating in a foam, not quite connecting properly with anything. Lest anyone worry, my problem is physical, not metaphysical, and I think it’s mostly result of the still slightly present death flu, combined with the fact that I haven’t really had a cigarette in five days…

And yes, I am using the fact that the idea of smoking makes me nauseous right now as an easy way to get through those first days of nicotine withdrawal, thanks. At least something good should come out of this whole thing…

But I sure do feel fuzzy-headed, even though I think I’m at least close to healthy again. I can’t quite concentrate on things. Sounds seem kind of muffled. And everything smells funny. I wouldn’t look for any exciting revelations or profound thoughts in this space for at least another day or two…

Yeah, as if…

It needs to be Friday and I need to be answering my door and seeing this face right now. An unplanned two-week separation is even worse than a planned one…