How to Use a Browser

I love it when all my work for the week/weekend is done this early. I might actually even be able to do something fun tonight. And even more fun tomorrow night…

OK, here’s a question. Why exactly do so many people type URLs into search boxes? If you’re trying to get to a website and you already know the URL, why would you not just type it into the ADDRESS bar? I’m asking this not just because so many of these show up in my logs, but because I’ve WATCHED so many people do it. They open their browser, wait for whatever “start page” to load, and then, instead of typing an address in the proper place, they do a freaking search for it. Which, of course, often leads them to some site other than the one they wanted in the first place…

Seems to me this is sort of like calling 411 and saying “I need the number for Joe Smith at 415-555-1234″…