Cities and TV

It’s comforting, of course, to realize that his list of cities is so compatible with mine, particularly when it comes to the section on places neither of us would ever want to end up…

A hectic week, what with promoting the new fall shows on The WB and UPN, a visit to my part-time job by the new vice-president of the western division, and my obsessive need to fit in at least six full hours of TV every day. Those of you who make it to the birthday bash will please excuse me if I’m a bit of a zombie…

Question of the day: why is Fox News anchor (and hopelessly incompetent amateur) Shepard Smith allowed on the air? Particularly in such visible assignments? Is it just me or is it obvious to everyone else that he has the IQ of a doorknob and the delivery of an overzealous trainee at Radio Shack? Is that supposed to be part of the charm?