Randomly Monday

So yeah, I did essentially nothing this weekend aisde from a bit of shopping and a few rounds of giving directions. No email, no significant writing or work, and none of the cleaning and junk-elimination I really needed to be working on. In fact, my computer was even turned completely off (a rare state) for the better part of two days…

Mark‘s here now and he’s at an interview this afternoon. It’ll be a quick dinner tonight and then he’s back to Fresno for one of the last times. He brought up a big load of books, DVDs, and dishes yesterday. He’s really moving in. It’s happening. Damn…

And by that, I mean “damn, I’m excited” and not “damn, what have I done?”…

To clarify one thing, I don’t think I gave Duncan a nasty case of homosexuality. I was already past my contagiousness when we met, although I had indeed infected several toilet seats a few months earlier…

Yup, that’s it. No more inside jokes today…

But yes, I’m in favor of a male nun for governor this year too…

And one last rhetorical question: why is it about ten times more likely that I’ll get really insipid email from context-impaired strangers who came in via Google and read (at most) one paragraph of my site on Mondays than on any other day of the week? For the record, the answer is “no”. I have no idea where to find a good bed and breakfast place in San Antonio. And I’m glad…