CBS? Who Cares?

Y’know, aside from the local news on KPIX (which is still my third or fourth choice), my lfe would not be impacted whatsoever by not having a CBS affiliate available on the satellite. Ultimately, I couldn’t care less…

I haven’t been a regular viewer of network primetime in years. I guess it started even before I moved to San Francisco in 1992, but once I got here I was introduced to the miserable cable service which made the VHF stations (all the major network affiliates) virtually unwatchable. After a few years, I’d given up on just about everything but The Simpsons and Homicide: Lfe on the Street. As it happened, the last network dramatic series I watched with any regularity was Voyager

I haven’t sworn off the networks completely, I guess. I still watch the assorted Fox animation on Sunday nights. Other than that, though, network primetime isn’t even an issue anymore. I don’t even look at the listings, even though I now have a satellite dish and can watch all my local stations crystal clear…

That’s not to say I don’t watch TV anymore. I do. Probably to excess. It’s just more likely to be satellite channels or DVDs now. And apparently, I’m not alone…