Just wondering…

…how many people stumble accidentally into a Friday night “Hoarders” marathon and are really inspired to spend the entire rest of the weekend cleaning up and throwing things away. It worked pretty effectively for me a couple of weeks ago.

I’d avoided the show like the plague in years past and still pretty much do. The sad thing is that, while I understand there is very selective editing involved, I don’t think this show is nearly as staged as most of the other reality shows. This does not, mind you, make me what you would call a “fan.” But every time I land on it–even for 30 seconds while channel surfing–I feel almost compelled to throw something away afterwards.

2 thoughts on “Just wondering…

  1. I have a hard time watching it too. I know they have psychological issues going on, but sometimes I want to yell “Just clean your damn house!”.

  2. Hey, glad to see you are still hanging in there. You probably don’t remember me (via an occasional comment or two), but that’s OK, I’ve been checking in here for years, less so lately, because it’s Facebook/Twitter/whateverotherbullshit there is, but I’m happy to see you’re still doing your thing. I just went back to January to see what’s what…you’ve really handled what we all have to face at some point with what reads as steadfast grace under pressure…impressive, IMHO.

    Brian in Raleigh

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