Tomorrow’s the Day

I’ve been planning for a week. Tomorrow is the day. After several half-assed attempts in the past couple of years (I no longer smoke inside the apartment, for example) and after cutting my consumption by more than half already, my resolve is strong. I’m giving up smoking, once and for all…

You can tell I mean it this time, because I’m mentioning it here and opening myself up to all manner of nagging…

My sympathies and apologies to anyone who has to be around me for the next few weeks, especially to you, baby. It most likely won’t be pretty…

Two promises, though:

  1. I will not become a self-righteous ex-smoker who believes that an exhorbitant “sin tax” on cigarettes is the best way to solve all government revenue problems and social issues.
  2. I will not suddenly start believing that banning smoking in bars was EVER a good idea.