My Thyroid Is Dead

It was three years ago today that I emerged from my first (very unexpected) trip to the hospital, in which I learned that the hyperthyroidism I hadn’t known I had was throwing my heart into major turmoil. To say that I was scared shitless would be a significant understatement…

Three years in, I no longer have to inject myself in the stomach with mucous from pig intestines (that lasted a week), I no longer lie in bed paralyzed with fear that I’m going to die before morning (which only happened a few times), and I’ve come to realize that I’m going to be just fine, thanks, even if I do have to take certain pills the rest of my life…

That said, I’d like to announce that the aforementioned thyroid gland has this week been pronounced — with about 90-95% certainty — dead. Thanks to the fine folks at the unfortunately named Department of Nuclear Medicine at CPMC. I shan’t miss the little bastard…