Pizza Night

I’m happy to report that I’ve found my new favorite pizza place in Charlotte. The hands down winner is Mellow Mushroom, which is a small regional chain based in Atlanta. The pizza is quite good, but I’d still go there even if it tasted like baked cereal boxes topped with shredded newspapers. Whycome? Because of the salads. They’re absolutely amazing. As the hubby said last night, “They must top them with opium or something”…

Me like. Thanks to Joseph for pointing this one out…

And on the subjesct of food, remind me never again to make the near-fatal mistake of visiting a Shoney’s breakfast buffet on a Sunday morning. Blecch. Nothing like clawing your way through a long line of ill-mannered rugrats only to wind up with a half-empty plate of severely nasty food. God, what was I thinking?