Thanksgiving Resolution

A Thanksgiving resolution, perhaps?

It’s actually related to the holiday, so I don’t find it altogether inappropriate. For Thanksgiving, I resolve to spend more time appreciating the things in my life that are good and that I enjoy and that make me happy, the things that fill me with a sense of accomplishment, or just a feeling of absolute contentment. In the process, I will spend less time obsessing over the few things which aren’t going my way right now, and hopefully devote more energy to addressing and correcting them instead…

I so resolve because I must do so in order to preseve my sanity. And because I don’t want to become insufferably dreary to be around. And mostly because it’s the right thing to do. The good definitely outweighs the bad, after all…

Don’t worry. I’m not turning all mushy touchy-feely here, nor has my occasionally sharp tongue been dulled. Ranting about idiots and pointing out stupid trends in pop culture, urban planning, and other areas are still things which make me very happy and fill me with a terrific sense of accomplishment, thank you…