Hand Me Downs

Just got back from visiting my parents. My mom has broadband now. What is the world coming to?

It’s kind of funny, though, that I’m thinking of giving her my old G4 when Mark gets a new desktop. Nowadays, you’re just as likely to see kids giving their parents hand-me-down electronics as you are to see parents giving their kids hand-me-down cars.

I love that I have a mother who wants my hand-me-down electronics…

The Cousin

Interesting thing, this here internet gizmo: I just heard from a cousin I hadn’t talked to in over twenty-five years because she happened to wander into this site accidentally. I believe the cousin in question is second from the right. I’m the handsome diapered fellow in the middle…

Bed now. Only four more very cold nights before the nuzzling and snuggling recommence…

In Greensboro

Went up to Greensboro today to see my parents, rummage through assorted Christmas decorations, grab old photos for a holiday project I’m working on, and have dinner with my friend Jeff who I disturbingly hadn’t seen in more than a year. It was a good day, except when my mom got all freaked out thinking she’d lost her box of old and sentimentally important ornaments…

And boy, did I have fun at the grand opening of the new Staples this morning. There were tons of freebies and dirt cheap stuff and I also got my mom’s Christmas present at a 40% discount…

I rarely ever heard about grand openings in San Francisco, and even if I did hear about them, they were usually so mobbed that non-masochists like myself wouldn’t bother attending. Here, on the other hand, I’ve been to three in the past week (a Lowes Foods and a Compare Supermarket in addition to the aforementioned Staples) and it’s been pretty danged cool…

I think I’m becoming a 1950s housewife, and it both frightens and excites me. When I start contemplating a career in Tupperware, I hope someone will please have the presence of mind to kill me…

Only a week until I get my hubby back, a concept much more exciting than Tupperware…

Randomly Sunday

Had a visit from Mom and Dad on Saturday. The whole unemployment thing sucks, but at least it gives me time to bond with the parents a little more than I might have otherwise. I may even go back up there next weekend to root through the giant box of Christmas decorations which are otherwise going to Goodwill. I think if I do, though, I’ll make it a day trip this time around…

There was actually a bit of thunder and lightning a while back. It sort of took me by surprise, but today’s storm is defintely a warmer one than yesterday’s storm was. But tomorrow’s storm is supposed to be another cold one. I like winter here. Remind me I said that the first time I have to drive to work in the ice, though, OK?

I’ve think I’ve officially hit the point where I have absolutely nothing of interest to write about. I should probably stop, huh?

Thanksgiving in Greensboro

I’m not sure which would have been scarier: (a) shopping at Carolina Place Mall when they opened at 1AM today, or (b) being in an enclosed space with the kind of people who were shopping at Carolina Place mall when they opened at 1AM today…

As much as I’m all for the whole commercial Christmas thing, I really don’t get the appeal of shopping on the day after Thanksgiving at 1AM or any other time. It’s probably the most miserable day of the year to go shopping; the last place I’d want to be today would be a mall or a big box center. People would die. I would be arrested for killing them. It would be a very upleasant start to the holidays…

My mom, an otherwise rational human being, had some shopping plans today. When I opted out, she casually mentioned how men just aren’t really “into” shopping. I corrected her and let her know that shopping was just fine and dandy under the right circumstances. What I’m not “into” is masochism…

Anyway, we had a nice Thanksgiving dinner at the cafeteria, which is apparently becoming a big tradition with lots of people up Greensboro way, and then we came home, held court for a few afternoon visitors, watched LA Confidential, and went to bed. I was ready to pass out at about 7:30. Why does visiting my parents always make me so damned sleepy?


The cool thing about having a Halowe’en related anniversary is that your betrothed can send you cool flower arrangements like this one…

I spent my anniversary with my Mom and Dad, actually. They came down for the afternoon, we had lunch at Gus’ Sir Beef, and then we drove around Charlotte and did a bit of shopping. The flowers showed up about three minutes after we got home. And then, I checked my answering machine and found that (yay!) someone actually wants to interview me for a job. And it’s not at McDonald’s or the new Dunkin’ Donuts down the street…

It’s been a good day, all in all. Only one thing would have made it better…

Randomly Wednesday

Random thoughts for a Wednesday afternoon:

  • I brought my mom into the 21st century this past weekend by upgrading her original Bondi Blue iMac to from OS 8.5 to OS X. While the whole transition was a little hard on me, since I couldn’t swear too much while doing the install, it seems to have made things much more pleasant for her. She’s not really what you’d call an intensive user — she pretty much checks email, gets stock quotes online, and does the occasional bit of word processing — so the interface change isn’t causing her much grief. She just thinks it’s prettier…
  • A little identity theft is an annoying thing. We’ve just determined that someone has been charging her Sprint phone to our checking account. Actually, it’s not such a big deal, as we’ve already closed the account and will be filing a police report shortly just for the record. In fact, Bank of America’s lack of any discernible customer service has made it an even easier call for us to move our money to a local credit union, so maybe there’s even a good side to it all…
  • Why is EVERYTHING so much more convenient here than in The City of Doom™? It’s even easier to get a doctor’s appointment here; there’s none of that “six to eight weeks for a new patient appointment” bullshit you seen in SF.
  • Is it just a coincidence that during the very year Mark and I moved here from California (where such things are commonplace), Charlotte experienced one of its hottest, driest summers ever AND suddenly began having some of the highest gas prices in the country? Just curious…