Randomly Friday

Dinner with Dan at the new In-n-Out Burger, followed by dessert at the semi-new Krispy Kreme. Cheap DVDs at Target and Tower. KBHK has cycled back into older (in other words, good) episodes of The Simpsons. A full Safeway Select Diet Grapefruit Soda in the refrigerator…

How could it get any better?

Oh yeah. I get to leave for Fresno in about thirteen hours to spend a belated Valentine’s Day weekend with Mark. Can’t think of anything I’d rather be doing right now. And I mean right now. Not in seventeen hours…

Tonight’s good mood has caused me to substitute this journal entry for the already-written (but never posted) “PG&E sucks and so does Muni” journal entry. Look for it at a later date, since I don’t envision my distaste for either of these two institutions going away anytime soon…