Randomly Hallowe’en

Aside from the fact that it’s not particularly funny, the main reason I can’t watch “Everybody Loves Raymond” is that whenever I do, I can’t help but visualize the father as Frankenstein’s monster singing “Puttin’ on the Ritz”…

Yes, that would be my one and only concession to Halloween, aside from the Simpsons episode I’m watching right now and all the candy I ate at work today…

Unrelated: so Bill Simon had no control over this one either, huh? He can’t keep up with ads run in his name, and he doesn’t know which campaign questionaires he’s signed. Heck, he can’t even manage a campaign and he wants to run the whole state?

Quoth Molly Ivins:

…even in proud Texas we have to admit that this year’s palm for nose-holding voting must go to California. Not to overstate, two of the most titanically unattractive candidates in the history of time — Gray Davis and Bill Simon — are vying for the governorship. How we got from the Lincoln-Douglas debates to this — or what we ever did to deserve it — is unclear. The debate between Davis and Simon raised the always-timely question: Is God punishing us?

I wish I could vote for somebody (anybody) next week…