Ready to Go

Assorted motel and rental car reservations are now complete…

Why am I so strangely paranoid about aspects of this trip? Not about the actual trip or its itinerary (or participants), mind you, but the logisitics. Maybe it’s because I haven’t flown since before 11 September 2001, and I’m not sure how much more annoying that part will be nowadays. God knows, it would be hard to make air travel any more of a pain in the ass than it already was, but if there’s a way, the airline industry is sure to find it…

This is also my first cross-country trip with a slew of medications which have to be taken everyday, thanks to that thyroid-related heart condition (which may be eliminated soon at long last), so I’m being obsessive about that as well…

Of course, it’s also the first time I’ve seen my mom in over eighteen months and my dad in over two years. And I’ll be expected to show Mark all the excitement North Carolina has to offer when he shows up on Wednesday. Gosh, what pressure. OK, not really…

Anyhow, bags are packed, bills are paid, reading material is being contemplated, and I’ll be gone in eighteen hours, happy in the knowlege that I’ll be missing all the stupid “pride” nonsense around here, not to mention avoiding all its assorted irritating participants…