San Diego to Greensboro

Groggy morning. Breakfast at a diner (whose name I forget) with a cute waitron (not working our table) who teetered between skatefag and ravefag. I probably would’ve done him.

Eugene dropped me at the airport very early so I could get a good seat in accoradance with Southwest Arilines “first come, first served” boarding policy. I was number 13. Ran into some friends from SF in the airport.

The flight was uneventful, and was much less crowded between Austin and Raleigh than it had been between San Diego and Austin. I arrived in scenic Raleigh about 10:00, tired, cranky, and wanting a cigarette. Mom and Dad were waiting, and very accommodatingly drove me to Waffle House on the way back to Greensboro. I slept like a rock and adjusted to the time change almost immediately.

Fresno to San Diego

I woke up feeling really calm, as if I were jut dumping all my stress in Fresno. It was great. I had breakfast and hit a few thrift stores (two cool shirts), and then headed south on the highway formerly known as US 99 for Bakersfield, where I had lunch and didn’t do much else.

I wasn’t much in the mood for LA, so I took I-210 almost to Riverside and went south on I-15 through the surprisingly traffic-filled wilderness of the “Inland Empire”. The great thing about LA freeways is that, even when they’re choked with traffic, they very often still move at about 80 MPH.

I really didn’t stop much, as I was in a hurry. But one thing caught my eye. First I saw a sign reading “Champagne Boulevard”. At first, I figured it was a vineyard, but then I realized I was close to the Lawrence Welk Resort. It was just too perverse not to be seen, so I pulled in. I was amazed that (a) it was not as tacky and pink as I expected, (b) there were far more golf carts than actual old people driving them, and (c) the convenience store had Funyuns on sale.


I tried Stan again (no luck) and proceeded to Eugene’s house in San Diego. We had dinner at the Chicken Pie Shop (four courses for about four bucks), toured the wonderfully dowdy El Cajon Boulevard, sneered at the plastic gaydom of Hillcrest, and hit a few bars.

First was Pec’s, a great dive I’d found rather by accident on an earlier San Diego trip while looking for a cab. Turns out Eugene likes the place too; it has a lot less of the terminal preppy and circuit-type idiots so common elsewhere in the city. Then we hit the Hole, near Ocean Beach, with its tropical tiki patio and three customers. I liked it.

After a few minutes of the “Get Smart” marathon on TV Land, I settled in for a semi-insomniac night, the first of many to come.

SF to Fresno


The idea to do twin road trips on the east coast (North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia) and the west coast (ummm, California) started with the very practical issue of where to put my car while I flew back east for three weeks. I had the brilliant idea of visiting a couple of friends in San Diego, leaving my car with one of them, and then flying east from there. I figured I could have an extra road trip which would basically pay for itself in saved parking fees. Brilliant, yes?

I completed finishing touches on a few projects this morning (notably this one) and finally left the house about 3:00. Rush hour traffic was not bad, until I got to the grade between Castro Valley and San Ramon. The next fifteen miles of my trip took about an hour. I was (even more of) a ball of stress by the time I stopped for food and gas in Tracy.

When I finally arrived in Fresno and checked into the Motel 6, my first order of business was another phone call to my friend Stan in San Diego. As had happened for the past three days, I was unable to leave him a message because his voice mailbox was full. Which seemed a little odd. Stan and I have been friends for almost 20 years, and he knew I was coming this weekend. I’d been promising a visit for about five years.

Anyhow, I called Eugene next, to warn him I might be taking him up on his offer of lodging for me and the car. Then I went to Vons to get a snack, came back to the room, watched a movie, and went to sleep.

Gone Visitin’

In less than 24 hours I will disappear for three weeks. I make no promises that there will be updates until I get back. I make no promises that I’ll be answering any email until I get back. On the other hand, I also make no promises that I WON’T be doing either of these things…

What I will definitely be doing is visiting Mom and Dad. And eating well. And visiting numerous supermarkets and thrift stores, and the occasional roadside diner. And hopefully seeing Duncan and Rick, PJ, Becky, and assorted other people without websites. Not to mention Stan and Eugene in San Diego, one of whom will have temporary custody of my car.

Apologies to anyone whose email remains unanswered as I depart. You can’t possibly imagine how much the past three weeks have sucked…

Note to cyber-stalkers: look for me in Greensboro, Charlotte, Raleigh, Chapel Hill, Atlanta, and maybe DC. I’ll be travelling US 29 rather than I-85, just because that’s what I do…

Note to potential thieves: the apartment is being watched. Please don’t throw any wild parties while I’m gone. Lock the doors. And turn off some of those lights, dammit…

Frustrated and Excited

I give up. To hell with designing websites and writing porn. I’m gonna be a Towerette…


  • I’m working on three major projects right now which HAVE to be finished by the end of the this week when I leave town, and two of the clients affected did not get back to me with approvals on Friday, making me lose two very-needed days of work on them this weekend.
  • My new monitor is causing interference on the TV in my office, but only on the lower channels.
  • I rented some of my first porn videos in a couple of years this week and they just plain sucked. And not in a sexy sort of way.

Senile or just overloaded:

  • I seem to be forgetting very basic things this week, like where the trunk and hood releases are on my car, how many spoonfuls of coffee to use, and what channel Bravo is on.


  • I’m leaving town for three weeks next Saturday, no matter what.
  • I found a really cool That Girl video at the Super K-mart last night, which contains not only all three versions of the opening and closing credits, but also the famed Ethel Merman episode.
  • I found a copy of Repo Man for $3.99 in the very same pile.

Randomly Monday

Yeah, I know I’ve done that stupid search engine queries thing to death, but really, just who types something like “92folsomstfair” into a search box and actually thinks they’re going to find something useful?


  • Hey, it’s where I USED to live…
  • I’m in Block 11, so (after today’s outage) I’m safe. For a while…
  • Tomorrow, as it hits 75 degrees in San Francisco, my heat will be working again…

Work and Vertigo

Jeez, what a weekend. I’m working on three major client projects this weekend and they’re all starting to look alike. And somehow I don’t think the book distributor or the soccer promoter really want a site with elements from the site about semi-public cocksucking…

But my mood improved dramatically with a long drive this afternoon, and it’s gotten still better tonight with Vertigo. Twice…

Apologies to everyone whose email I’ve ignored over the past three or four days. It will get better soon. Maybe…

Howdy Partner

Mildly disturbing realization of the day: if you do a Google search on Double R Bar Burger, one of my pages is the first listing, and this is one of the only six others. Bodes well for me if I ever decide to do a site on the history of Roy Rogers Resturants, huh?

Working like a dog. Hating this weekend. Loving this